Results for 'T. S. Petrus'

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  1.  87
    Natural and Supernatural: Intersections Between the Spiritual and Natural Worlds in African Witchcraft and Healing with Reference to Southern Africa.T. S. Petrus & D. L. Bogopa - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (1):1-10.
    For generations, African beliefs and practices regarding witchcraft and traditional healing have been located at the intersection between the natural world and the supernatural world. Despite the impact of both colonialism and, in the contemporary context, modernization, the complex interplay between these worlds has not been reduced. The interaction between nature and religion, as a facet of culture, has long been a subject of inquiry in anthropology, and nowhere is this more evident than in the study of African witchcraft and (...)
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  2. Strong Foundations: Petrus van Musschenbroek’s experimental research on the strength of materials.Pieter T. L. Beck - 2023 - Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 53 (2):109-146.
    In this article, I discuss Petrus van Musschenbroek's research on the strength of materials in relation to his methodological views. In the latter, van Musschenbroek emphasizes the importance of repeating and varying experiments. This is related to his views on the complexity of nature, which play a role in his views onmathematics, laws of nature, causes, and experimental method. In each case, the construction of an (experimental) history is presented as a first step in experimental philosophy, necessary to deal (...)
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    A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine: The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus (1540-1602) (review). [REVIEW]Dane T. Daniel - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):488-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine: The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus (1540–1602)Dane T. DanielJole Shackelford. A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine: The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus (1540–1602). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2004. Pp. 519. Cloth, $83.00.The Paracelsian and Danish royal physician Petrus Severinus complained, "If we can make more potent [drugs], extracted from metals and minerals,... I (...)
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  4. Virtual Realism: Really Realism or only Virtually so? A Comment on D. J. Chalmers’s Petrus Hispanus Lectures.Claus Beisbart - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (55):297-331.
    What is the status of a cat in a virtual reality environment? Is it a real object? Or part of a fiction? Virtual realism, as defended by D. J. Chalmers, takes it to be a virtual object that really exists, that has properties and is involved in real events. His preferred specification of virtual realism identifies the cat with a digital object. The project of this paper is to use a comparison between virtual reality environments and scientific computer simulations to (...)
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  5. Patience, Diligence, and Humility: Epistemic Virtues and Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century Dutch Republic.Pieter T. L. Beck - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-28.
    This paper discusses the connection between epistemic virtues and chemistry in the eighteenth century Dutch Republic. It does so in two ways. First, it presents the virtue epistemology of three Dutch university professors and natural philosophers: Herman Boerhaave, Petrus van Musschenbroek, and Johannes David Hahn. It shows how their criticism of a priori philosophy and their defence of experimental natural philosophy is connected to a specific virtue epistemology. Four epistemic virtues are central for these authors: intellectual patience, diligence and (...)
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    Free recall following a switch in encoding class.Michael S. Humphreys, William M. Petrusic & Robert M. Schwartz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):455.
  7.  19
    Spaces of alienation: Dispossession and justice in South Africa.Petrus T. Delport & Tshepo Lephakga - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
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  8. Opera theologica. T. III : Theologia Summi Boni, Theologia Scholarium.Petrus Abaelardus, E. Buytaert & C. Mews - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):122-123.
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    Meaning and analysis: new essays on Grice.Klaus Petrus (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book, linguists and philosophers combine to offer a unique insight not only into Grice's contribution to philosophy of language, but on his theories of natural and non-natural meaning, implicatures and the semantic-pragmatic distinction.
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    Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus.Petrus Liu - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):341-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 341 Petrus Liu Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus Originally formulated to dispute biologically deterministic explanations of women’s subordination, the analytical distinction between sex and gender has developed in unexpected ways in transitions from one language to another. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from John Money’s sexological writings to Simone de Beauvoir’s (...)
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  11.  23
    The specter of materialism: queer theory and Marxism in the age of the Beijing consensus.Petrus Liu - 2022 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In The Specter of Materialism Petrus Liu examines what "materialism" means for progressive queer theory and Marxist approaches to China's postsocialist economy. Liu recasts the history of queer theory in light of the Beijing Consensus, arguing that North American queer theory's inability to sustain a materialist analysis is the result of its positioning of the United States, rather than China, as the focal point of contemporary global capitalism. Analyzing relations of gender and sexuality that have been reconfigured by China's (...)
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    Petri Thomae Quaestiones de ente.Petrus Thomae - 2018 - Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press. Edited by Garrett R. Smith & John.
    Editio princeps of Peter Thomae's De ente. It is generally acknowledged by historians of philosophy that medieval philosophers made key contributions to the discussion of the problem of being and the fundamental issues of metaphysics. The Quaestiones de ente of Peter Thomae, composed at Barcelona ca. 1325, is the longest medieval work devoted to the problem of being as well as the most systematic. The work is divided into three parts: the concept of being, the attributes of being, and the (...)
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    Thinking Tool for Evolutionary Creation.Bruno Petrušić - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):29-44.
    Theological thinking is hard. It takes various forms depending on its object of reflection, and needs to be doctrinally informed, contextually appropriate and methodologically consistent. Theological thinking about evolutionary creation meets all said conditions and restrictions on some sort of a larger-than-usual scale. I, thus, introduce a thinking tool – intuition pump, as Daniel Dennett calls it – that can help us theologically contemplate evolutionary creation. This approach aims to put together and to combine evolution and creation within the context (...)
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  14. Naturgemässe Klassifikation und Kontinuität Wissenschaft und Geschichte (Natural classification and continuity, science and history. Some reflections on Pierre Duhem).Klaus Petrus - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (2):307-323.
    Duhem is commonly held to have founded his view of history of science as continuous on the ‘metaphsical assertion’ of natural classification. With the help of a strict distinction between formal and material characterization of natural classification I try to show that this imputation is problematic, if not simply incorrect. My analysis opens alternative perspectives on Duhem's talk of continuity, the ideal form of theories, and the rôle of ‘bon sens’; moreover it emphasizes some aspects of Duhem's realism that play (...)
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  15.  67
    Illokution und konvention, oder auch: Was steckt nun wirklich hinter austins ,,securing of uptake"?Klaus Petrus - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 70 (1):101-126.
    In this article, I would like to clarify Austin's thesis that illocutionary acts are essentially conventional and to show, how this idea is connected with his concept of securing uptake. Contrary to what most critics believe, I will show that Austin provides a criterion characterising the nature of all illocutionary acts and allowing to distinguish them from perlocutionary acts.
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    Illokution und Konvention, oder auch: Was steckt nun wirklich hinter Austins „securing of uptake„?Klaus Petrus - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 70 (1):101.
    In this article, I would like to clarify Austin's thesis that illocutionary acts are essentially conventional and to show, how this idea is connected with his concept of securing uptake. Contrary to what most critics believe, I will show that Austin provides a criterion characterising the nature of all illocutionary acts and allowing to distinguish them from perlocutionary acts.
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  17.  9
    The Commentary of Peter of Auvergne on Aristotle's Politics: The Inedited Part: Book III, Less. I-VI.Gundisalvus M. Petrus, Aristotle & Grech - 1967 - Desclée; Pont. Univ. Of St. Thomas Aq.
  18. The Commentary of Peter of Auvergne on Aristotle's Politics.Petrus - 1967 - Rome: Desclée; Pont. Univ. of St. Thomas Aq.. Edited by Aristotle & Gundisalvus M. Grech.
  19.  83
    Engaging the World of the Supernatural: Anthropology, Phenomenology and the Limitations of Scientific Rationalism in the Study of the Supernatural.Theodore S. Petrus - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 6 (1):1-12.
    Scientific rationalism has long been considered one of the pillars of true science. It has been one of the criteria academics have used in their efforts to categorise disciplines as scientific. Perhaps scientific rationalism acquired this privileged status because it worked relatively well within the context of the natural sciences, where it seemed to be easy to apply this kind of rationalism to the solution of natural scientific problems. However, with the split in the scientific world between the natural sciences (...)
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  20.  23
    Does using a foreign language reduce mental imagery?Guillermo Montero-Melis, Petrus Isaksson, Jeroen van Paridon & Markus Ostarek - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104134.
    In a recent article, Hayakawa and Keysar (2018) propose that mental imagery is less vivid when evoked in a foreign than in a native language. The authors argue that reduced mental imagery could even account for moral foreign language effects, whereby moral choices become more utilitarian when made in a foreign language. Here we demonstrate that Hayakawa and Keysar's (2018) key results are better explained by reduced language comprehension in a foreign language than by less vivid imagery. We argue that (...)
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  21.  3
    Die Zeichen in der geistigen Entwicklung und in der Theologie Augustins.Cornelius Petrus Mayer - 1969 - Würzburg,: Augustinus-Verlag.
    T. 1. Beim jungen Augustinus.--T. 2. Die antimanichäische Epoche.
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  22.  12
    Die Zeichen in der geistigen Entwicklung und in der Theologie des jungen Augustinus.Cornelius Petrus Mayer - 1969 - Würzburg,: Augustinus-Verlag.
    T. 1. Beim jungen Augustinus.--T. 2. Die antimanichäische Epoche.
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  23. Ateisme sebagai dasar etika, sebuah studi atas filsafat sensualistik Feuerbach.Simon-Petrus L. Tjahjadi - 2016 - In Francisco Budi Hardiman & J. Sudarminta, Dengan nalar dan nurani: Tuhan, manusia, dan kebenaran: 65 tahun Prof. Dr. J. Sudarminta, S.J. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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  24.  56
    Die teenwoordige-So en die nomadiese ‘Tonneltoerusting by die lees van Breyten Breytenbach’.Petrus de Kock - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):280-297.
    In this article an attempt is made to develop a concept: the teenwoordige-So, which has a two-fold nature. On the one hand it grows from the philosophical dimensions of the work of Breyten Breytenbach, and on the other, once it is identified it can be used as a method for reading his work. But in order to determine the “environment” of the concept three main elements are investigated in this article. The first is the notion of the rhizome, the second (...)
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  25.  68
    Transforming the state away from the State? Radical social action and ‘minority attractions’ under scrutiny.Ian Liebenberg & Petrus de Kock - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):195-208.
    This review article situates the work Black Flame within a capita selecta of earlier publications on anarchism-syndicalism and radical thought. Schmidt and Van der Walt's contribution (2009) is a recent addition to political thought, theory and socio-economic practice within the broad stream of anarcho-syndicalism. Its treatment of anarchism and anarchist syndicalist groups in the workplace within an international context since the middle 1800s and the attempt to situate the debate in contemporary society are some notable features. The authors engage with (...)
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  26.  10
    Notker latinus zu den kleineren Schriften.James Cecil Notker, Petrus W. King & Tax - 1972 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer. Edited by James Cecil King & Petrus W. Tax.
    The Altdeutsche Textbibliothek [Old German Text Library] is the series of editions of German medieval texts with the richest history. Foundedin 1881 by Hermann Paul, it has been edited by leading Germanists- Georg Beasecke, Hugo Kuhn, Burghart Wachinger. Since 2001, responsibility for the series has rested with Christian Kiening. In the meantime, the series comprises some 120 volumes, with an exemplary combination of closeness to the original manuscript(s) with ease of reading, philological accuracy with concern for university teaching. It includes (...)
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  27.  18
    The “Christian Spirit” of Capitalism and the Protestant Reformation, between Structuralist Analysis and Historical Evidence.Aurelian-Petruș Plopeanu - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (3):117-132.
    For many reasons, it is true that the Protestant Reformation unleashed the forces that lay behind the emergence of capitalism. Such a system was compatible with the emancipation of individuals, their mentalities, due to specific societal reforms and transformations. Therefore, it gave birth, in an unprecedented way, to a “new form of capitalism”. But the main idea I want to stress in this article is that the capitalist ethos was present before the Reformation, many centuries ago, in what is called (...)
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  28.  11
    Serbian Anti-Corruption Policy. Welcome to Potemkin's Village?Petrus C. van Duyne - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1).
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  29. R.P.F. Petri de Aragon, Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, Artium, & Sacrætheologiæmagistri, & in Clarissima Salmanticensi Academia Publici Professoris, in Secundam Secundae D. Thomædoct. Angelici Commentaria, de Iustitia Et Iure.Petrus de Aragon, Thomas & Societas Minima - 1595 - Apud Minimam Societatem.
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    Ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ zhizni: putʹ ot Bogocheloveka k cheloveku.Nikolaĭ Malʹt︠s︡ev - 2012 - Moskva: Algoritm.
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  31. Nravstvennai︠a︡ t︠s︡elostnostʹ lichnosti.O. P. T︠S︡elikova - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Lumbreras, Petrus, O.P., Casus Conscientiae antiqui et recentiores. Volumen I: De Principiis. [REVIEW]T. V. Tack - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):216-217.
  33. Chovekŭt i tekhnologii︠a︡ta.T︠S︡ocho Kumanov - 1989 - Sofii︠a︡: Profizdat.
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  34. Hsin-t'i yu hsing-t'i [Mind and human nature].T. S. Mou - 1970 - In Charles Alexander Moore, Philosophy--East and West. Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. pp. 20--1968.
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  35.  13
    Khu̇mu̇u̇niĭ ertȯnt︠s︡ ba togtvortoĭ khȯgzhil: Shinzhlėkh ukhaany gavʹi︠a︡at zu̇tgėltėn, doktor, professor T︠S︡.Balkhaazhavyn 90 nasny oĭd zoriulsan ėrdėm shinzhilgėėniĭ baga khurlyn ėmkhėtgėl.T︠S︡ėrėnpiliĭn Balkhaazhav & B. Pu̇rėvsu̇rėn (eds.) - 2018 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: Soëmbo Printing.
    Memoirs and papers presented at a conference held on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the Mongolian philosopher Ts. Balkhaajav.
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  36. Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ t︠s︡elostnosti: kritika burzhuaznoĭ metodologii nauki.I. Z. T︠S︡ekhmistro (ed.) - 1987 - Kharʹkov: Izd-vo pri Kharʹkovskom gos. universitete izdatelʹskogo obʺedinenii︠a︡ "Vyshcha shkola".
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  37. Sot︠s︡iokulʹturnai︠a︡ realʹnostʹ: spektr analiticheskikh podkhodov: nauchnai︠a︡ shkola V.S. T︠S︡ukermana.V. S. T︠S︡ukerman (ed.) - 2008 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: Izdatelʹskiĭ dom "Grotesk".
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  38. Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research?T. S. Kuhn - 1970 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave, Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22.
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    Pŭti︠a︡t kŭm misterii︠a︡ta.Veska T︠S︡inandova-Kharalampieva - 1994 - Sofii︠a︡: "Aksev-Agatea".
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  40. Selbstmörder: gnosticheskiĭ apokrif (iz t͡sikla "Borkhesianskie issledovanii͡a").A. V. T︠S︡yb - 2004 - In Aukt︠s︡ion: literaturno-filosofskiĭ sbornik. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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  41. Discussion [on Second Thoughts on Paradigms, and other papers of the conference].T. S. Kuhn - 1974 - In Frederick Suppe, The Structure of scientific theories. Urbana,: University of Illinois Press.
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  42. T︠S︡elepolaganie i idealy.A. I. I︠A︡t︠s︡enko - 1977 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  43. Literaturnyĭ dnevnik. Stado golubykh obezʹi͡an, karabkai͡ushchikhsi͡a po sklonu gory (iz t͡sikla "Borkhesianskie issledovanii͡a").A. V. T︠S︡yb - 2004 - In Aukt︠s︡ion: literaturno-filosofskiĭ sbornik. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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  44. Perceptual Experience.T. S. Gendler & J. Hawthorne - 2009 - Critica 41 (122):124-132.
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    Logical Forms: An Introduction to Philosophical Logic.T. S. Champlin & Mark Sainsbury - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):243.
    Logical Forms explains both the detailed problems involved in finding logical forms and also the theoretical underpinnings of philosophical logic. In this revised edition, exercises are integrated throughout the book. The result is a genuinely interactive introduction which engages the reader in developing the argument. Each chapter concludes with updated notes to guide further reading.
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    Tendencies.T. S. Champlin - 1991 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 91:119 - 133.
    T. S. Champlin; VII*—Tendencies, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 91, Issue 1, 1 June 1991, Pages 119–134,
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  47. (1 other version)IT. M. Scanlon.T. M. Scanlon - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):301-317.
    [T. M. Scanlon] It is clearly impermissible to kill one person because his organs can be used to save five others who are in need of transplants. It has seemed to many that the explanation for this lies in the fact that in such cases we would be intending the death of the person whom we killed, or failed to save. What makes these actions impermissible, however, is not the agent's intention but rather the fact that the benefit envisaged does (...)
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    Otglasi: razgovori s T︠S︡ocho Boi︠a︡dzhiev.T︠S︡ocho Boi︠a︡dzhiev - 2020 - Sofii︠a︡: Communitas foundation. Edited by Atanas Stamatov.
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    Iztochno-evropeĭska filosofska shkola: prezentat︠s︡ionizmŭt v Rusii︠a︡ i Bŭlgarii︠a︡.Dimitŭr T︠S︡at︠s︡ov - 2003 - Sofii︠a︡: Faber.
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  50. Chovekŭt i prirodata: renesansŭt na XII vek.T︠S︡ocho Boi︠a︡dzhiev - 1991 - Sofii︠a︡: Univ. izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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